Reayanul Haque
English 10100
Samantha Bellamy
Composition in 2 Genre
November 26th, 2019.
First Genre: Teenage drug abuse Advertisement

Rhetorical situation: Substance abuse has become a trend among the younger generation. Youngsters are being exposed to new drugs. Training them to reject substances should be a priority in society. Educating young folks about drug use can prevent them from going in the wrong direction.
Genre: A message across all ages about drug use prevention. Placing the book in a public area is an effective way to make people aware while they are having fun.
Audience: The book targets people of all ages, especially young people. Rising awareness against drug abuse through “an educational and coloring activity book”. The audience can end up learning something while doing some fun activities. This way they wouldn’t get bored and it is more likely for the audience would remember things when they are enjoying it.
Purpose: To alert the people in the community about substance use. The advertisement shows how to say “No” drugs because it is leading to a negative effect on teenagers and society. So many teenagers are getting addicted because they really think that the drug would help them to cope with the situation they are going through. And that is why this advertisement is to show awareness to the teenagers who are involved in drugs and not giving much attention to how it is ruining their lives.
Medium: A publication (coloring book)
Stance: Careful and cautious stance.
Second Genre: Newspaper Article About Teenage Drug Abuse
Say “No” To Drugs At Teenagers
By Reayanul Haque
Nov. 25, 2019.
In the present society, medications are removing the lives of the teenagers and it is standing out truly newsworthy consistently. Adolescent drug misuse is an issue that can lead us to a lot of problems, and it continues to get worse day by day. Times have changed now that many teenagers are going through stress and anxieties that are hard to come up with. Drug is mostly very popular among teenagers. Most of the teenagers get educated about drugs at an early age. And that is why it is easy for them to get it and they all know the process from where to get it and how to take it.
I have seen one of my close friends suffering from the drug. He was literally suffering from loneliness, anxiety and sensory overload. He was a very good and bright student but all of a sudden, he started to fail all his classes, stopped coming to school. Nobody knew the reason behind it. However, one day we get to know that he was taking drugs. Because of that, he was falling behind on everything. We found out that he was taking drugs in peer pressure which later turn out to be an addiction. He used to be given an analysis of attention deficit, hyperactivity ailment which will increase the unlawful drug dependency hazard by way of a factor of three. His challenge regulating emotions and oversensitivity attracted bullies. Then, isolation led to despair. His drug addiction led frightened of physical signs of anxiety, is linked to panic disorder. Taking too much drug led him to many mental and physical disorders. Mental fitness issues, a crucial hazard thing for addiction. Impulsiveness, for instance, is common among people. Hopelessness is frequently a precursor to depression. Anxiety sensitivity, which capability being overly aware and anxious about physical signs of anxiety, is linked to panic disorder.
It is common today to hear that nearly half of all young humans between a long time of 10 and 17 are at danger of school failure, substance abuse, delinquency, and teenage. It would show up that bothered youths are no longer the exception however have become the dysfunctional rule. Young people today are generally portrayed as an aberrant pariah class that suffers its personal distinct “epidemics” bearing no relationship to person patterns of behavior. Some are modern-day young human beings honestly so distinct. They think taking drugs makes them look cool. Some take drugs in peer pressure and others to cope with the situation. However, taking drugs never leads someone to a good path because most of the time they end up ruining their lives and became addicted to it. The time they realize they should stop it; it becomes too late for them and that is when they cannot control it anymore.
College bonding as it applies to middle school and trouble conduct prevention, present the findings from a survey of center faculty college students on school bonding, school adjustment, and problem behavior, and describe the improvement of an important prevention software designed to forestall hassle behavior by way of growing school bonding among center college students. Socially, the quality of relationships between early adolescents and their peers and adults becomes increasingly important in middle school. And that is how teenagers, start taking drugs. I believe, as a teenager, we should think before we make decisions about taking drugs doesn’t matter what situation we might be in. Taking drugs cannot be a better option at that moment. We should say “No” to drugs to save our own lives and society because it is causing a negative effect everywhere.